Blurry 16 week ultrasound-profile and big belly
The big appointment finally came!! I had been waiting for this ultrasound appointment with my doctor for a long time. It was a very important ultrasound that would basically check everything. Not only that, it would tell us the sex of the baby! The nerves were in full force. I was a mess before it even began. The nicest girl came in and did our ultrasound. She looked at everything, and said that everything looked great! That is just so good to hear. There are so many scary stories out there, and I was just a little nervous about everything. All is well though! Then she found the sex of the baby. She said there it is right there. Neal and I couldn't see anything. We tried, but didn't really know what we were looking at. She started to type, It's a.... I had to close my eyes. I couldn't take it. This has just been a long time in the making, and it was kind of all coming to a head. Then there it was. It's a girl! AAAH! How great is that??? I lost it at that point. That seems to happen a lot seeing as there is a Kleenex box situated within arm's reach from where I was laying. The news of it being a girl just really made it so real. I didn't have to say "it" anymore. It was a she! I honestly would have been just as happy with a boy. I just really wanted to know one way or another. I immediately called my Mother. She of course was so excited! Neal had to go to the ranch after the appointment, so I headed off to Natalie's with my DVD in hand of the ultrasound. I didn't tell her what it was. I just wanted to show her. It was great! We were so excited! So we headed off to Baby Gap. I bought my first baby items, and they were of course pink!! So fun! Now begins the baby naming process, and the nursery colors decision. It is all just starting to fall into place now! Time is kind of starting to fly, which is great, but at the same time, it's like uh oh. We don't have a clue! I guess nobody does with their first baby. It is just such a rollercoaster of emotions. Fear, excitement, worry, you name it! All I know is that we can't wait to see our little girl!