Well another birthday had arrived. My parents had surprised me with a visit! My Mom and Dad, and brother, had never been here together since we moved here over 7 years ago. It was always just my mom, or my dad and my brother, but never all of them together. I was really excited. My parents hadn't seen me pregnant yet, and luckily I was starting to get a small belly. So we decided to get an ultrasound done by Neal's brother Mark again. We were hoping to learn the sex of the baby. My mother-in-law Betty, Nat and Kate, Paige and Zach, and my parents all went with us. Paige and Zach joined us in hopes that they could also find out the sex of their baby! They are 17 weeks pregnant, but were 14 weeks at the time. They went first, and suddenly an object appeared. It looked pretty clear that it was a boy! Mark said that it was a boy, but told them not to take his word for it. Paige goes in two weeks for the official scan. It was really fun being there with them for that. So after seeing that Paige found out, I was pretty optimistic about our little one. So everyone packed into this tiny room the size of a walk-in closet. It was really funny to look at from my point of view. I just saw all of these heads! It was great. I loved having my family and closest friends there. Well after flipping on my side and moving in different ways, our baby was not going to give us a hint of what it was! I was a little disappointed, but what can you do. I was just so happy that my parents got to see an ultrasound done. My Dad brought out the video camera of course! He wouldn't be a Dad without it. I was just going to have to be patient about the sex of the baby, but at least we knew that it was healthy. That was a big relief! It was a great birthday. I even got to take a half day off from school!
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