We had just seen Christy like two weeks in all her belly glory, and we finally got to meet little Olivia. Christy had her on the 9th, but we didn't have a chance to go see her until yesterday. I was off from school so it was the perfect day to go! I met Paige there bright and early with some yummy Krispy Kremes. I ate 1 and half donuts by the way. I could not believe my eyes when Christy opened the door. Baby Olivia had black hair! She so could have passed for my baby! Christy is so light, and Jeff doesn't seem very dark either, so it was just wild! Olivia is so tiny. I haven't held a newborn since probably Kate or Blake so it has been a really long time. You tend to forget how tiny they are. I wasn't as scared of the size as I used to be. My shoulder didn't cramp up or anything when I was holding her. Usually I tense up because I am nervous. She is really cute, and I can't wait to see if she keeps her same hair color! Christy looks great, and seems energetic! I don't know how she pulls that one off. She looked all fresh. It was great to see them, and got a few tips in the process. Holding that little baby made me so excited for the day I get to hold my own! It seems so far fetched, but it is really right around the corner. Another little fun highlight was that Blake just came up and pointed to me and said Mimi! No one prompted her or anything. It was so out of blue. That is what Kate has called me for a while. It just seems to stick better! It was really sweet to hear that. So cute! She was really good too. She just let us chat, and kind of did her own thing. It was a really good start to my day off! Congratulations Christy and Jeff!
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