My original 3D appointment was last Tuesday, but ice was coming, and I wasn't about to drive to south Arlington in that. I sadly had to cancel. I was pretty bummed about it. I had to wait a whole week!! So finally Tuesday came again. I couldn't believe that I was finally having it done. I was going to see our little baby girl. At least I was hoping it was a girl! You never know. I just can't believe that we finally reached this point that we could have one of these. It seems so out of reach during early pregnancy! I am now in my third trimester! Yikes. I am very disappointed with myself though. I haven't taken enough belly pictures. The weeks just keep flying by. It is crazy! So Nat and Kate picked me up from school because Neal had an earlier appointment over there. The highways were riduculous. Rush hour starts at 3:30 apparently on 360. So of course we were late to the appointment. We walked in to find Neal with the video camera recording our entrance. Such a goober. Betty also met us there. I had to drink something sugary before, which I did, and keep my bladder full. That is always fun! So we all go into this room with a big screen on the wall to watch everything. It was great! To no surprise at all, the baby was in a bad position. Every single ultrasound I have had has been difficult with this little one. She was like deep in my pelvis with her face facing some weird way. So the nurse pushed on my tummy a ton. That didn't feel so pleasant. We were able to verify that it was a girl!! Phew. What would I have done with all that clothes? After a bunch of poking, she finally got into position. Then we see that she has the umbilical cord right in front of her face. The cord stayed there throughout the whole thing! We were able to see that she had the Melissa pointy chin though! That was really funny. The nurse wasn't able to get too many great shots. She said that it wasn't her worst though. It was just really neat to see our baby. I feel her kicking so much, and you just wonder what is going on in there. I also know why I am always running to the bathroom. Apparently she is sitting on my bladder. All in all, everything looked great, and it just was an awesome thing to see. It makes it that much more real to see an actual baby with a nose, and ears. She actually stuck her tongue out at one point! So fun! It just made me want to take her out already!
1 comment:
You look so cute! Im glad you got a little peek at your baby!
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