Wednesday, June 17, 2009

End of school!

Krista with Joseph who was born two days later that Em

My principal Stacy with Emery

This seemed like yesterday!! Now I am about to start back up! Ugh. I went back for the last week of school to pack up my room. It was a super stressful week. I think that I was the last one there on last possible day to be out of the building. Emery was there all day with us too. I just stuck her in the sling and went to work. Krista who had baby Joseph two days after Emery was there too with him. It was so good to see her. We had kind of similar situations so she was such a source of support for me. It was so cute to get the two babies together. Also, my principal that was so awesome during the school year with anything involving the pregnancy was leaving the school. That was kind of sad. I just remember leaving school so excited about spending a whole three months with Emery. They went so fast! Boo!

New friend Kylie...

I think this was two weeks after she was born.

So sweet...

Such a cute baby!

Emery is no longer the new kid on the block! Baby Kylie was born exactly one month after Emery. Baby Kylie is Paige and Zach's second baby girl. She was a chubbo, and still is. She has the cutest rolls! Kylie practically walked out of Paige. Paige delivered her in like crazy time. I think she only pushed a few times. What is up with that?? Good for her! I was really excited to go through the pregnancy with her, and can't wait for the girls to be friends. They will have a blast just like we do!

Friday, June 12, 2009

One month already???

Where does the time go??? Everyone always said that it went fast, but seriously it goes so fast. I have enjoyed every minute. I hold her as long as I want to because I know this time is very short lived. I loved having her lay on me like a little frog. So sweet. I remember the first two nights being awful as far as sleep goes, but I think that I fell into a rhythm were here early on. She has been so good as far as sleeping goes. She loved to sleep on my chest. She doesn't do that anymore. She will cut my oxygen off these days. I was supplementing with formula at night because I just couldn't keep up with her. I love being a mother. NOTHING can prepare you for the feelings that come with being a mother. It actually can't be explained. I remember people saying that, but you truly can't understand it until you are there. It has been such a joy, and luckily she is pretty laid back. Only cries when she is hungry or tired. Awesome! At one month she only weighed a little over six pounds. Tiny!

First walk and first outing

Emery with her friend Kate-Wow I forget how tiny she was

Natalie came over and we went for our very first walk! So exciting. We just went around the block because it was getting a little warm. I was so excited to get moving again. It had only been a few weeks, but I felt like a mushy slug. Emery loved being outside ! So fun! Hopefully it is the beginning of many walks together with her friend Kate!

Don't get too comfortable...

Just hanging out...

Don't I look lovely?

So five great and sleepless days had passed when all of a got a headache. Now headaches normally aren't a big deal. However, when blood pressure is involved, a headache is a totally different story. I ignored it on Friday. My mother-in-law came over and checked my bp. It was super duper high. It was higher than when I was in the hospital! I kind of blew it off for some reason. Saturday came and my headache started up again, and of course I ignored it again. So Sunday I decided to call my doctor. He basically told me to go to the ER and have it checked out. So Neal and I went up on Sunday. It was funny because I told my mom that I would be back in like two hours to feed Emery, and I came home four days later! Basically, my bp was really high so they admitted me into the scary ICU area where Neal couldn't even stay the night. That was hard. What was even harder was that I had to leave my little one week old at home. I hated it! I was so depressed over that. Luckily my mom was still in town so she was able to help Neal care for her. I can't say enough about my best friend Natalie. She was up there every day with me. She had Kate with her, who is almost two, and yet somehow made it a point to be up there. It lifted me up so much. I will forever remember that and feel blessed to have such a person in my life. We just snacked the days away, and watched Kate play on the ICU hospital floor. Nice. Kate was so good, and on the day before I left, they were up there all day. So so sweet. Emery got to come once they moved me out of ICU. They brought in some caged crib from the 40's for her. She actually slept in there most of the night. My Mom stayed with me since Neal had to go to work, and Nat came and picked us up that next day. I could not be happier to get out of there! The food is not good at all. Luckily my sweet friends Hillary, Lindsay, and Lauren brought up some pizza on my last night from the outside! They also brought by some letters that my class had written and a cute poster. I was just ready to be back to normal! They put me on some meds and I was on my way. I couldn't wait to just be with my baby at home. At least it broke me of leaving her with someone else overnight...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

First doctor's appointment

I guess two days after birth you have to go to the doctor to check for jaundice. So we went and got back on the scary highway during a rainstorm. Needless to stay we turned back and rescheduled. Too paranoid. Well we finally went and Em had lost 5 ounces. She had gone down to 5lbs. 7 oz. That would be the smallest she would get. Everything was great! They just looked at her and gave her an all clear for jaundice. So happy!

Home sweet home

The Grandfathers

The nurse gave us a carseat tutorial

So after seven days in the hospital, we finally got to bring our precious girl home. Getting out of the hospital was ridiculous. It took forever! I think it was 5 before I got out of there. It was a bitter sweet moment. I was now leaving the place that gave me the most special thing in my life. My moment was gone. I had delivered my first child. I was starting to get anxious as they were bringing my wheelchair around. Sure enough I start crying the second it gets moving. It was really funny though because Neal was trying to get pictures, but the tech lady that was pushing the chair was going turbo down the ramp and wouldn't really let Neal get a shot. Then she starts lecturing me on why women shouldn't get an epidural. Weird! So we were off. I was so paraniod, especially since we had to take death highway 635 home. That is the worst. I cried pretty much the whole way home. I called Natalie to make sure that she did the same thing so that I didn't feel crazy. She did. Emery was so tiny in her little carseat. She was so fragile. So we brought the little muffin home and my mom had been waiting at home since forever. It was so neat to bring her home for the first time. Our little family was finally growing. After 8 years of marriage and three dogs later, here was our first child. So great!!