Where does the time go??? Everyone always said that it went fast, but seriously it goes so fast. I have enjoyed every minute. I hold her as long as I want to because I know this time is very short lived. I loved having her lay on me like a little frog. So sweet. I remember the first two nights being awful as far as sleep goes, but I think that I fell into a rhythm were here early on. She has been so good as far as sleeping goes. She loved to sleep on my chest. She doesn't do that anymore. She will cut my oxygen off these days. I was supplementing with formula at night because I just couldn't keep up with her. I love being a mother. NOTHING can prepare you for the feelings that come with being a mother. It actually can't be explained. I remember people saying that, but you truly can't understand it until you are there. It has been such a joy, and luckily she is pretty laid back. Only cries when she is hungry or tired. Awesome! At one month she only weighed a little over six pounds. Tiny!
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