So five great and sleepless days had passed when all of a got a headache. Now headaches normally aren't a big deal. However, when blood pressure is involved, a headache is a totally different story. I ignored it on Friday. My mother-in-law came over and checked my bp. It was super duper high. It was higher than when I was in the hospital! I kind of blew it off for some reason. Saturday came and my headache started up again, and of course I ignored it again. So Sunday I decided to call my doctor. He basically told me to go to the ER and have it checked out. So Neal and I went up on Sunday. It was funny because I told my mom that I would be back in like two hours to feed Emery, and I came home four days later! Basically, my bp was really high so they admitted me into the scary ICU area where Neal couldn't even stay the night. That was hard. What was even harder was that I had to leave my little one week old at home. I hated it! I was so depressed over that. Luckily my mom was still in town so she was able to help Neal care for her. I can't say enough about my best friend Natalie. She was up there every day with me. She had Kate with her, who is almost two, and yet somehow made it a point to be up there. It lifted me up so much. I will forever remember that and feel blessed to have such a person in my life. We just snacked the days away, and watched Kate play on the ICU hospital floor. Nice. Kate was so good, and on the day before I left, they were up there all day. So so sweet. Emery got to come once they moved me out of ICU. They brought in some caged crib from the 40's for her. She actually slept in there most of the night. My Mom stayed with me since Neal had to go to work, and Nat came and picked us up that next day. I could not be happier to get out of there! The food is not good at all. Luckily my sweet friends Hillary, Lindsay, and Lauren brought up some pizza on my last night from the outside! They also brought by some letters that my class had written and a cute poster. I was just ready to be back to normal! They put me on some meds and I was on my way. I couldn't wait to just be with my baby at home. At least it broke me of leaving her with someone else overnight...
1 comment:
again cracking up...this time about the 40s cage crib. What? That is funny.
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