One of the perks of having IVF is getting ultrasounds earlier than people who conceive naturally. We were able to get this ultrasound at our seven week appointment. So this was our day to see the heart beating and find out how many beats it had. Of course, I was nervous as usual. Sure enough, our little seahorse was there and thriving! It's heartrate was at 134. It was so crazy to see how much it had changed in a week. The whole thing is just a huge miracle. How is it possible? The doctor felt that everything was going just fine, and that our due date would be May 1st. It was weird to think that much into the future, but it kind of made it real for me. So more good news. Every week that passes, I feel just a little better. As we were getting ready to leave the office, she went ahead and released me to my regular OB. I was actually really sad about it. This doctor gave us our baby that we had been wanting for what seemed like forever. We had gone through so much together, and it was just sad to say goodbye. I am pretty sure that we will be back in two years or so to try and have one more. So it is not goodbye forever! This visit was a little bitter sweet, but I am glad that all was still going well.
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