So pregnancy had been going so far so good. I was just feeling really tired, and a little nauseous. I was having some migraines every so often, but nothing major. I had just turned six weeks. It was a Friday, and I was at school. We had just had a fire drill, when I suddenly felt something. I decided to check it out, and sure enough I was bleeding. What in the world? Panic didn't quite set in right away. Luckily my friend and fellow first grade teacher Hillary was there. She took care of my class for me. Between where I was and the office, I changed directions three times. I didn't know what I was going to say or do. I finally started heading towards the office. By the time I got to the office, I was in complete panic mode. The first person I saw was my Principal. She got on her computer and got my doctor's number for me. She was really great about it. I went ahead and called my doctor's office. My hand's were shaking, and my face was all red and puffy. It was really frightening. I just remember thinking that this just could not be happening. My nurse said at first to just wait and see what happens, but I was not going for that. She told me to go ahead and come in. By this time, two of my other friends at school had come into the office where I was, and actually calmed me down a little bit. It makes such a difference when you work with such supportive people. It truly helped me. So then I went ahead and started driving. I call Neal, and he knew by the sound of my voice that something was wrong. He went ahead and left to meet me at the hospital. I then called Natalie. I didn't want to call any family. I didn't want to worry my mother if it wasn't necessary. Natalie started looking at some stuff on-line for me about bleeding. She helped me relax enough to start thinking rationally. By the time I got to the hospital I was feeling a little more optimistic. So I got my ultrasound, and there was this tiny thing still in there! The doctor even saw the flicker of the heartbeat! The blood ended up being a hemorrhage that would eventually seal itself off. Oh the relief! I was just told to take it easy, and rest. That night my sweet girlfriends from school sent over dinner, and Ty, Nat, and Kate came over. It was a nice ending to a horrible day.
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