So after the five days of waiting for the circular weird looking cells to grow, we finally were ready for the transfer. I was a little more nervous this time because I heard that it could be pretty uncomfortable. I thought about asking for valium, but I decided against it. I was awake for this procedure, and this time my mother went. I think she was a little nervous so I was trying to act cool, but I was ready to be sick. My stomach was in knots. Also, if you know me, you know I don't like bad weather. Well it was super storming on the way to the hospital. Not the ideal situation. Well we arrived and they came in with a picture of these embryos that are about to be inserted into your body. Out of 17, 9 fertilized, and from there, 2 made it to the 5 day stage. I guess the stronger ones make it to five days. So we ended up putting two in. Neal got to go with me which was pretty neat. I had to have a full bladder! That was not fun. If you have had an ultrasound with a full bladder you know what I mean. They use this like straw looking thing to basically shoot the embryos to their destination, and you are supposed to see this tiny little puff when that happens(on the ultrasound.) Well Neal saw it, but I must have blinked or something. I missed it. You then lay there for half and hour with your full bladder. Torture. Neal was cracking jokes and laughing with my mother. I did not find anything funny. I was not comfortable at all. After that I got to go home and be on bedrest for a day and half. Other than the full bladder, it was not too bad! The worst part was yet to come...
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