Monday, October 6, 2008

Halfway done...

So the egg retrieval was a great success! The only thing that hurt was the IV. Other than that, I felt nothing. Neal, Betty( my mother-in-law,) and I showed up at the hospital together. I will never forget watching a show on sextuplets while prepping for the procedure. The doctor said, "Are you sure you want to do this?" It was kind of funny. So I was under for the whole procedure. It was great! Apparently I woke up muliple times and asked the same questions over and over. They ended up removing 17 eggs! I was free to go home after about 2 hours. We actually went to Breadwinners to go eat afterwards. I felt great! Then came the next day. I didn't even know what happened. I actually felt worse than when I had the eggs in me. Luckily my mom was in town, and she helped a ton. I was in alot of pain. I went three days before calling the doctor. She eventually prescribed Vicodin. Yes! Those pills are great. I felt totally different. I could actually walk. We had to wait five days for the embryos to develop. 9 eggs had fertilized, so we were waiting to see which one of those would be strong enough to transfer. More waiting...

1 comment:

Natalie said...

This is looking great!!!! I love it! I love the pictures!!!! You are going to be so glad you have all of this to look back on when you have this baby in your arms!!!
And say.....It was soooooooo worth it!