So my 2nd IVF started at the end of July. All was the same except that she added and extra shot to my protocol. So I was taking two shots a night. I will admit that the new shot hurt everytime. I had super dull needles. Not fun. Other than that, I was able to walk the entire time. I didn't feel bad like I did the first time. It was great! My ovaries were probably super stretched out or something, and my body just handled it better. I wasn't a rookie anymore! This time during our egg retrieval we had 25 eggs taken out! 12 of those fertilized. Great, great numbers! All was looking great. We still had to wait the five days for the embryos to develop. So there go Neal, me, and his mother-in-law again. I wasn't as nervous as last time. My doctor comes walking in with a picture of our embryos. There were three of them! Yikes. We went ahead and put all of them in. We were actually laughing about it. The transfer went great. Once again, I missed the puff of embryos going into my body. I didn't blink or anything, and I still missed it! So we wait again for the definitely the most stressful two weeks. There seemed to be more at stake with this one. I feared having two failed IVFs. I feel like that would have put us in a different category. Luckily school was getting ready to start so I was a little busy. Time still went slow...
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