I mentioned that I lost my poor old dog Franklin in June. He just stopped walking one day and tensed up. We took him in and put him down. It was awful. He had kind of been falling apart, but it was still hard to see him like that. He was a really good dog. In August, we decided that we were ready for another dog. We had been wanting a boxer, so we decided to go with Legacy Boxer Rescue. They were awesome! We had to decided to go with a girl. I have never had a girl dog, so I was so excited to buy a pink collar! We finally got our dog, and her name was Casey. I thought that sounded to unisex, so we changed it to Macy. She is such a good dog. She is a little older(7), but that is okay. Old dogs need love too! Her and Murphy get along great, and we tested her with Kate(Ty and Nat's baby,) and James our nephew, and she did really well. We miss Frank, but Macy has already made us very happy!
1 comment:
RIP Frank. You were a cool dude with cool boots and a jacket.
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